Wednesday, December 14, 2016


  Hey lovelies!!!!!
Happy holidays

I apologise for staying away for so long. I'm sure you are getting tired of my constant excuses and apologies but I promise to do better.

In my previous post, I mentioned that I was going to be making a lot of life decisons and planning for the new year. Well, still working on that and also trying to fulfil some of my blogging goals before this year finally runs out. 

I got a new blog theme, I know I still have some more work to do here on the blog but I really love the new look. Thoughts?

I finally decided to do the TMI tag. Lillian, Laitan, Funke, Beth and a list of other bloggers nominated me to do this tag and I sincerely apologise for doing it so late. The TMI tag is basically a list of 50 random personal questions.

So lets get started.

 1.What are you wearing? 
A black chiffon blouse which I got from the Nfb yardsale paired with black pants and nude pink flats.

2. Ever been in love? Yes

3. Ever had a terrible break up? NO!!!

4. How tall are you?
I've been referred to as petite and also been called a smallie too many times. But last time I checked I think 5'5. Although I look taller in pictures.

5. How much do you weigh?
Errm, 50kg, that was the last time I checked (April). I may have added since then.

6. Any Tatoos?
None, but I intend to get one as soon as I consumed enough liver*lol*

7. Any piercings?
Yeah, just one on each ear.

8. OTP (One True Pairing)? 
Ryan Gosling and Rachael McAdams in The Notebook, Channing Tatum and Rachael McAdams in The Vow.

9. Favorite show?
I love too many to pick one. Currently watching Teen wolf, Gotham, Once upon a time and the list goes on. I love all my series.

10. Favorite Band?
Well, my top 5 will be One Direction, Maroon 5, One Republic, Lady Antebellum, Paramore.  The Chain Smokers has made it to that list.

11. Something you miss?
My family and friends. NYSC hasn't given me enough freedom to travel home yet to visit my family.

12. Favorite Song?
It will rain by Bruno Mars. I love all his songs, Bruno Mars can do no wrong by me. He is sheer perfection.

13. How old are you? I will let you guess.

14. Zodiac sign? Proudly Aries. Fun fact, Aries secret weapon is "positivity"

15. Quality you look for in a partner?
A good sense of humor is a must, intelligence, handsome and most especially God fearing.

16. Favorite quote? A positive attitude and outlook

17. Favorite actor? Too many to choose from but I looooove Channing Tatum.

18. Favorite color? Pink. I'm a very girlie girl.

19. Loud or Soft music? Both, my choice of music depends solely on my mood.

20. Where do you go when you are sad? No place specifically, I just like to be alone.

21. How long does it take you to shower? Five mins on a regular day. An hour or more if I'm taking a beauty bath.

22. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning? 20-30 mins, picking out an outfit plus the right shoes and acessories can be a bit of a struggle for me.

23. Ever been in a physical fight? Not exactly. Does fighting with my lil bro count?
I remember as a kid we used to fight a lot and also one time I actually convinced myself that I would win my elder sis in a physical fight. It didn't quite turn out the way I imagined it and well I know better to never try it again.

24. Turn on?
Fresh breathe, Charming smile, Great smell, Intelligence (Sapiosexual)

25. Turn off?
All sorts of odour (Body/ Mouth), liars and the really touchy types.

26. Fears?
I guess my biggest fear is doubt, the feeling that I might never be good enough. I've embraced that fear and I'm learning to conquer it everyday. I shared some deets in this post.

27. Last thing that made you cry? I tend to cry a lot. I guess I'm that emotional.

You can check out 15 Random facts about me. I think a movie I watched or something but I can't remember right now.

28. Meaning behind your blogging name?
My Style Look Book Series, my blog is a personal style blog and I wanted something that could depict just that. Thus, the reason plus I wanted something quite simple that I wouldn't have to keep explaining every time.
Most people get it and others have complained that it is a bit too long.

I'm considering a name change. Thoughts?

29. The reason why you joined YouTube? Basically it was to watch fun videos but it has evolved into something more now.

30. Last book you read?
On becoming by Toke Makinwa. I really enjoyed reading it. Toke took a bold step with that book. I love how she shared her insecurities and also talked about her mistakes, she didn't play the victim which is something I really loved.
Holla if you haven't read it and you want an e-copy.

31. The book you are currently reading?
I've been staring at my CIPM study pack for a week now. Hopefully I get enough ginger to start reading it soon.

32. Last show you watched? The big bang theory. Super hilarious, you need to watch it if you are not watching it already.

33. Last person you talked to? My sister

34. The relationship between you and the last person you texted? Family

35. Last time you said you loved someone? Yesterday, I said it to my Mum because I miss her trouble and yeah I love her.

36. Favorite food? Read it here.

37. Last place you were? The office.

38. Place you want to visit? Paris (Because dream destination). I want to take a road trip to Cotonou or Cross River (Calabar carnival plus so many lovely tourist centres).

39. Do you have a crush? Yeah. I bet you want to know his name, right? Then click here.

40. Last time you kissed someone?  I never kiss and tell *lol*

41. Favorite flavor of sweet? Chocolates.

42. What instruments do you play?
I offered music before switching to Visual arts in secondary school. After two unprogressive terms and a lot of tutorials. I finally learnt how to play the flute and a piano but I'm not so great at it.

43. Favourite piece of jewellery? I love my wristlets, wrist watches, bangles etc. Just any piece of jewellery on my wrist is fine by me.

44. Last time you were insulted? Yesterday, My sister called me lazy but I didn't take it seriously also story of my life.

45. Last sport you played? It's been a very long time since I engaged in any sporting activity.

46. Last song you sang? That's what I Like by Bruno Mars

48. Favourite Chat up line? Heyyyyy, Hey stranger, Hi b and sometimes I use the poop emoji ( I think it's really funny).

49. Have you ever used it? Yeah, all the time.

50. Last time you hung out with someone? Last Thursday, I went to the movies.

I'll leave an open tag for anyone who is interested in answering these questions. Please tag me when you do. I look forward to reading all your answers.

What's your take on the holidays?
Got any special plans for the holidays?
Have you been able to achieve most of your 2016 blogging goals?
Blogging goals for 2017 or not?

Connect with me via

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  1. I also think that your blog name is long. I really laughed hard at " I don't kiss and tell" There's a new blog post, you should drop by

  2. I loveeee Channing Tatum too. I can be somewhat emotional too and sapiosexual all the way. Great getting to know you more!

  3. so you're emotional, very good

  4. I honestly thought you were serving in Lagos. I'm quite emotional too. That's why I don't watch movies with people as per anything can happen and my ugly teary face may be exposed.

    1. Lagos ke. I wish but thank God for the opportunity that he provided for me. Count down to the end of service year begins

  5. Ah yesss, Bruno can do no wrong.
    There's not a more perfect being, his music is the absolute best.

  6. Lol...glad you're back dear, I loved reading this post (as usual) you really love Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, Oh please, I do need Toke Makinwa's book I feel like am the only one who hasn't read it yet...Bruno's bae lolsss

    1. Thanks dear. It feels good to be back. Send me your email address, I'll send you a copy.

  7. Heyyy bae.. Enjoyed reading this. You withheld way more information than I did. Hehe. I love Toke's book too. And yes to bring sapiosexual. xxx
    Life Lately

    1. Lol, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. This was a must tell *I'm Toke's voice* I actually put all my cards on the table.

  8. Hey I'm a teen Wolf fan too and I love Channing Tatum, I've watched all his movies too though sadly he is getting old.

    Princess Audu 

    1. Aww, most people don't get it and I'm glad you also a fan of Teen wolf. Channing Tatum still looks young though but sadly he is married.

  9. We're both 5'5" but look taller in pictures lol don't mind these people that call us smallies, we're in the *made it to the tall group* gang (whatever that is lol).

    1. Lol @we made it to the tall group gang. It's really hard to believe that you are only 5'5. You look way taller.

  10. TMI indeed! Nice post

    1. Hi Emete!
      Thanks dear and thanks for stopping by the blog.

  11. Great post hun! I can definitely relate with a good number of your points.
    Thanks for sharing xx

    Funmi x

    1. Hi Funmi😊
      Thanks hun.
      I always love to read your comment.
      Thand for stopping by.

  12. Bad breath and sweaty pits, that's a definitely off putting. Its even disrespectful because it means you didn't try to make an effort to look and smell good for me. I enjoyed reading this post lol.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy holidays.

    1. Lol, bad breathe is the worst.
      I'm glad you enjoyed reading this.
      Merry Christmas in advance Steph.


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